Zivojin Zujovic
Žujović, Živojin
Born Nov. 10, 1838, in the village of Vracevic; died Apr. 25, 1870, in Belgrade. Serbian democrat, public figure, and publicist.
Žujović studied in the higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg, Munich, and Zürich from 1861 to 1867. He served in the Ministry of Finance upon his return to Belgrade in mid-1867. As a commentator on public affairs and a specialist on the Slavic question, he was influenced by the ideas of the Russian revolutionary democrats. In 1863, together with
P. A. Rovinskii, he directed the “Slavic Land” section in the newspaper Ocherki and wrote for the journal Sovremennik. In 1864 he headed the Slavic sections of the newspapers Golos andS.-Peterburgskie vedomosti and held that position on the latter newspaper until March 1866. He championed the brotherhood and friendship of the Slavic peoples. In the social movement of Serbia, Žujović was the ideological fore-runner of the Serbian revolutionary democrat and Utopian socialist S. Marković.
Celokupna dela Živojina Žujovića, vol. 1. Belgrade, 1892.REFERENCE
Paligorić, L. Živojin Žujović. Belgrade, 1960.V. G. KARASEV