Zolotoe Runo
Zolotoe Runo
(Golden Fleece), an illustrated journal of art and literature.Zolotoe runo was published monthly in Moscow from 1906 to 1909 with the financial backing of manufacturer N. P. Riabushinskii (editor and publisher). The main Russian symbolists united behind it: at first, V. la. Briusov, D. S. Merezhkovskii, A. Belyi, and Z. N. Hippius, and later, Viach. Ivanov, A. A. Blok, and G. Chulkov. The journal and the exhibits of contemporary Russian artists that it arranged displayed a mysticism and subjectivism in relation to art: artistic creation was proclaimed a religious act. The exhibits of Zolotoe runo acquainted Russian spectators with the newest tendencies in Russian and Western European art of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.