(also Djoser), an ancient Egyptian pharaoh and founder of the Third Dynasty; according to the latest findings, he ruled from circa 2780 to 2760 B.C. Under his rule, the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt into a mighty autocracy was carried to completion, and Memphis was established as its capital. Zoser defeated the nomads of the Sinai Peninsula and consolidated Egyptian power over the copper mines there. He subjugated part of northern Nubia, which he gave to the priests of the god Khnum. South of the First Cataract of the Nile, he built a line of fortifications. In the time of Zoser pyramid building began in ancient Egypt.
Goneim, M. Z. Poteriannaia piramida. Moscow, 1959. (Translated from English.)Lauer, J. P. Zagadki egipetskikh piramid. Moscow, 1966. (Translated from French.)
Lauer, J. P.Histoire monumentale des Pyramides d’Egypte, vol. 1. Cairo, 1962.