Zverev, Mitrofan Stepanovich
Zverev, Mitrofan Stepanovich
Born Apr. 3 (16), 1903, in Voronezh. Soviet astronomer; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953). Member of the CPSU since 1947.
Zverev graduated from Moscow University (1931) and the Moscow Conservatory (1929). From 1931 to 1951 he worked at Moscow University (professor since 1948); in 1951 he became deputy director of the Pulkovo Observatory. He compiled a number of star catalogs. Zverev is the initiator and director of international work on compiling the Catalog of Faint Stars. His principal works deal with time service, gravimetry, and variable stars. Zverev has been awarded the Order of Lenin, two other orders, and medals.
“Issledovanie rezul’tatov astronomicheskikh nabliudenii Sluzhby vremeni GAISH v 1941–44 gg.”Tr. Cos. astronomicheskogo in-ta im. P. K. Shternberga, 1950, vol. 18, fasc. 2.“Predvaritel’nyi svodnyi Katalog fundamental’nykh slabykh zvezd so skloneniiami ot +90° do −20° (PFKSZ).”Tr. Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii AN SSSR, 1958, vol. 72. (With D. D. Polozhentsev.)
“Piat’ let raboty astronomicheskoi ekspeditsii Pulkovskoi observatorii v Chili.” Izv. Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii, 1970, no. 185.