zygomatic nerve

zy·go·mat·ic nerve

[TA] a branch of the maxillary nerve [CN V2] in the inferior orbital fissure through which it passes; it gives rise to two sensory branches, the zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial, which supply the skin of the temporal and zygomatic regions and is continued as the communicating branch of the lacrimal nerve with the zygomatic nerve. Synonym(s): nervus zygomaticus [TA], orbital nerve, temporomandibular nerve

zy·go·mat·ic nerve

(zī'gō-mat'ik nĕrv) [TA] A branch of the maxillary nerve in the inferior orbital fissure through which it passes; it gives rise to two sensory branches, the zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial, which supply the skin of the temporal and zygomatic regions, and is continued as the communicating branch of the lacrimal nerve with the zygomatic nerve.
Synonym(s): nervus zygomaticus [TA] , temporomandibular nerve.

zy·go·mat·ic nerve

(zī'gō-mat'ik nĕrv) [TA]Branch of maxillary nerve [CN V2] in inferior orbital fissure through which it passes; gives rise to two sensory branches, the zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial, which supply skin of temporal and zygomatic regions and is continued as communicating branch of the lacrimal nerve with the zygomatic nerve.
Synonym(s): temporomandibular nerve.