Žmud Horse

Žmud Horse


a native coach horse bred in the Lithuanian SSR. The žMUD was developed by crossbreeding the native small horse (adapted to forest and swampy pastures and moderately humid climate) with Arabian stallions, heavy draft horses, trotters, and thoroughbred and half-breed saddle horses. The žmud is a small compact horse. The measurements of the average stallion are height at the withers, 144 cm; oblique body length, 145 cm; girth of chest, 173 cm; and girth of the front cannon bone 19 cm. The mares are somewhat smaller. Easy to care for, the žMUD is noted for exceptional work capacity and endurance. In harness it can travel up to 20 km an hour; harnessed singly to a sleigh, it can pull a load of up to 1.5 tons. In the eastern regions of the Lithuanian SSR a larger type of žMUD horse has been bred, measuring 152 cm high at the withers. The žMUD horse has been used in breeding a Lithuanian heavy draft horse.