Bertillon, Jacques

Bertillon, Jacques


Born Nov. 11, 1851, in Paris; died 1922, in Valmondois. French statistician and anthropologist. Son of L. A. Bertillon.

Upon graduation from medical school (1883), Bertillon joined the Paris Statistical Bureau, and he soon became its director (a post which he held until 1913). Bertillon took part in the work of the International Statistical Institute, for which in 1895 he prepared a project for the international classification of occupations. He also worked on problems of demography.


La Statistique humaine en France. Paris, 1880. (Russian translation: Statistika dvizheniia naseleniia vo Frantsii. St. Petersburg, 1889.)
Eléments de démographie. Paris, 1896.
Le Problème de la dépopulation. Paris, 1897.
L’Alcoolisme etles moyens de le combattre, 2nd ed, Paris, 1904; 3rd ed, Paris, 1913.
La Dépopulation de la France, ses consequences, ses causes. Paris, 1911.
In Russian translation:
Kurs administrativnoi statistiki. Moscow, 1897.