释义 |
ArbsShort for Arbitrageurs..ArbitrageurA trader who practices arbitrage. That is, an arbitrageur attempts to profit from inefficiencies in price by making transactions that offset each other. For example, one may buy a security at a low price, and, within a few seconds, re-sell it to a willing buyer at a higher price. Arbitrageurs can keep prices relatively stable as markets attempt to resist their attempts at price exploitation. They often use computer programs because their transactions can be complex and occur in rapid succession.ARBS
Acronym | Definition |
ARBS➣Aerial Refueling Boom System (EADS North America) | ARBS➣Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences | ARBS➣Angle Rate Bombing System | ARBS➣Angle Rate Bombing Set | ARBS➣Algorithmic and Rule-Based Blackboard System | ARBS➣Automated Repair Bureau System (Sprint) | ARBS➣Angular/Angle-Rate Bombing System |