释义 |
Aerococcus[′e·rō‚käk·əs] (microbiology) A genus of bacteria in the family Streptococcaceae; spherical cells have the tendency to form tetrads; they ferment glucose with production of dextrorotatory lactic acid (homofermentative). Aerococcus
Aerococcus (ār-ō-kok'ŭs), A genus of aerobic gram-positive cocci occurring as airborne saprophytes; they produce α-hemolysis on blood agar and grow in the presence of 40% bile. Aerococcus viridans, the type species, is commonly recovered as part of the normal skin flora; it has low pathogenicity but has been reported as a rare cause of endocarditis. [aero- + G. kokkos, berry] |