Albertus Magnus

Al·ber·tus Mag·nus

A0179800 (ăl-bûr′təs măg′nəs), Saint Originally Albert, Count von Bollstadt. 1206?-1280. German religious philosopher who sought to apply Aristotelian methods to current scientific questions. He is also noted as the teacher of Thomas Aquinas.

Albertus Magnus

(ælˈbɜːtəs ˈmæɡnəs) n (Biography) Saint. original name Albert, Count von Böllstadt. ?1193–1280, German scholastic philosopher; teacher of Thomas Aquinas and commentator on Aristotle. Feast day: Nov 15

Al•ber•tus Mag•nus

(ælˈbɜr təs ˈmæg nəs)
n. Saint (Count von Bollstädt), 1193?–1280, German scholastic philosopher: teacher of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Al•ber′tist, n.