Antifascist National-Liberation Council of Albania

Antifascist National-Liberation Council of Albania


the supreme organ of power that arose during the course of the national liberation struggle of the Albanian people against the fascist aggressors and their accomplices. It was formed at the Antifascist National Liberation Congress in Pérmeti on May 24, 1944. During the intervals between sessions of the council, its presidium, chaired by O. Nishani, fulfilled the functions of the supreme organ of power. The Antifascist National-Liberation Committee of Albania was formed as its executive organ.

The first session of the council (May 1944 in Pérmeti) adopted resolutions calling for the review and annulment of all unequal treaties signed by King Zog of Albania and his clique with the imperialist powers and for the creation of a state commission to investigate the activities of war criminals and others.

The second session of the council (Oct. 20,1944, in Berati) adopted a declaration on the rights of the citizen, a law on the powers of the national liberation councils, a law on the transformation of the Antifascist National-Liberation Committee into the Provisional Democratic Government of Albania, and a law on elections to national liberation councils.

After the liberation of Albania (Nov. 29,1944), the council and its presidium adopted a series of legislative acts consolidating the conquests of the people’s democratic revolution (the law on land reform of Aug. 29, 1945, and others). The Constituent Assembly elected in December 1945 proclaimed Albania a people’s republic (Jan. 11, 1946) and adopted a constitution on March 14 that made the National Assembly the supreme organ of state power in the country.


Konstitutsiia i osnovnye zakonodatel’nye akty Narodnoi respubliki Albanii. Moscow, 1951.
Smirnova, N. D. Obrazovanie Narodnoi respubliki Albanii. Moscow, 1960.