(a) method in (one's) madness

(a) method in (one's) madness

A specific, rational purpose in what one is doing or planning, even though it may appear crazy or absurd to another person. Usually used in the phrase "have/there is (a) method in (one's) madness." You may have method in your madness, but these radical changes to the business could still prove catastrophic. I know you don't understand my motivation for this decision, but after the dust settles you'll see that there is a method in my madness.See also: madness, method

*method in one's madness

Fig. a purpose in what one is doing, even though it seems to be crazy. (*Typically: be ~; have ~.) What I'm doing may look strange, but there is method in my madness. Wait until she finishes; then you'll see that she has method in her madness.See also: madness, method

method in one's madness

An underlying purpose in crazy behavior, as in Harry takes seemingly random trips around the country but there's method to his madness-he's checking on real estate values . This expression comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet (2:2): "Though this be madness, yet there is method in it." For a modern equivalent, see crazy like a fox. See also: madness, method