

[‚bab·ə′zī·ə·səs] (veterinary medicine) A tick-borne protozoan disease of mammals other than humans caused by species of Babesia.



a protozoan disease of equids. Babesiasis is caused by the unicellular parasite Nuttallia equi of the family Babesiidae. The disease occurs on all continents except Antarctica. In the USSR, babesiasis arises in the southern and eastern zones and in several central regions of the RSFSR. Cases of babesiasis are recorded most often in spring and summer, which coincides with the sexually mature phase of the tick—the transmitter of the infectious agent. The body temperature of affected animals is raised; the animals are sluggish, and their work capacity is greatly reduced. The mucosa are jaundiced, and the number of erythrocytes and amount of hemoglobin decrease. Babesiasis is diagnosed on the basis of clinical data and epizootic circumstances; the diagnosis is confirmed by microscopic examinations. Chemotherapeutic preparations are used in treatment. Babesiasis is prevented by extermination of ticks.