acid fuchsin


 [fūk´sin] any of several red to purple dyes, sometimes specifically basic fuchsin.acid fuchsin a mixture of sulfonated fuchsins; used in various complex stains.basic fuchsin a histologic stain, containing predominantly pararosaniline and rosaniline.

ac·id fuch·sin

[C.I. 42685] a mixture of the sodium salts, bi- and trisulfonic acids of rosanilin and pararosanilin; used as an indicator dye and for staining of cytoplasm and collagen. Synonym(s): rubin S, rubine

ac·id fuch·sin

(as'id fūk'sin) [CI 42685] A mixture of sulfonated salts of rosanilin and pararosanilin; used as an indicator dye and for staining of cytoplasm and collagen.