accommodative asthenopia


 [as″thĕ-no´pe-ah] weakness or easy fatigue of the eye, with pain in the eyes, headache, and dimness of vision. adj., adj asthenop´ic.accommodative asthenopia asthenopia due to strain of the ciliary muscle.muscular asthenopia asthenopia due to weakness of the external ocular muscles.

ac·com·mo·da·tive as·the·no·pi·a

asthenopia resulting from errors of refraction and excessive contraction of the ciliary muscle.

ac·com·mo·da·tive as·the·no·pi·a

(ă-kom'ŏ-dā-tiv as'thĕ-nō'pē-ă) Ocular discomfort, headache, and other symptoms of eyestrain resulting from refractive error and excessive contraction of ciliary muscle.

accommodative asthenopia

A relative weakness of the focusing power of the eye resulting from a refractive error that imposes the need to make unusually strong accommodative effort. There is a sense of eye-tiredness and discomfort and occasionally headache from sustained narrowing of the eyes.