释义 |
acid intoxication ac·id in·tox·i·ca·tionpoisoning by acid products (for example, β-oxybutyric acid, diacetic acid, or acetone) formed as a result of faulty metabolism (for example, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus) or by acids introduced from without; marked by epigastric pain, headache, loss of appetite, constipation, restlessness, and an odor of acetone on the breath, followed by air hunger, coma, and collapse.ac·id in·tox·i·ca·tion (asid in-toksi-kāshŭn) Poisoning by acid products formed as a result of faulty metabolism (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes mellitus) or by nonphysiologic acids; marked by epigastric pain, headache, other symptoms, and an odor of acetone on the breath. |