Barguzin Preserve
Barguzin Preserve
located in the Buriat ASSR on the western slopes of the Barguzin Range, including the northeastern coast of Lake Baikal and a portion of the lake waters. The area of the preserve is 248,200 hectares. It was set up in 1916 to preserve Barguzin sables and increase their numbers. The mountain taiga landscapes of the region are protected. The preserve is inhabited by elk, musk deer, European brown bear, Kamchatka marmot, Siberian caper-caillie, and other species; along the coast are the seal rookeries. Baikal cisco, whitefish, sturgeon, grayling, taimen, and Brachymystax lenok swim up the rivers to spawn.
Zapovedniki Sovetskogo Soiuza. Edited by A. G. Bannikov. Moscow, 1969.Trudy Barguzinskogo zapovednika, vols. 1–5. Moscow, 1948–67.