autonomic hyperreflexia

autonomic dysreflexia

A potentially life-threatening condition most common in patients with spinal cord injuries above T6, but which may occur with lesions as low as T10.
Clinical findings
Severe paroxysmal hypertension accompanied by throbbing headaches, profuse sweating, nasal stuffiness, flushing of the skin above thelesion, bradycardia, apprehension and anxiety.

autonomic hyperreflexia

Neurology An exuberant autonomic response to various insults Etiology Upper spinal cord injury, cystoscopy or distention of bladder or colon Clinical HTN, sweating, bradycardia, severe headache

au·to·no·mic dys·re·flex·ia

(aw'tō-nom'ik dis-rē-flek'sē-ă) A syndrome occurring in some people with spinal cord lesions resulting from functional impairment of the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms include hypertension, bradycardia, severe headaches, pallor below and flushing above the cord lesion, and convulsions.
Synonym(s): autonomic hyperreflexia.
[G. autos, self + nomos, law; dys, difficult at + L. reflectere, to bend back]