Beliaev, Evgenii Aleksandrovich
Beliaev, Evgenii Aleksandrovich
Born Feb. 9 (21), 1895, in Rzhev; died Sept. 5, 1964, in Moscow. Soviet historian, specialist in Islam and the Arab countries during the Middle Ages. Doctor of historical sciences (1962); honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of Egypt (1964).
Beliaev graduated from the Moscow Institute of Eastern Studies in 1922, and in 1924 he became a teacher at the institute and at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. During the years 1945–55 he was head of the subdepartment of Near and Middle Eastern history at the Moscow Institute of Eastern Studies and later at the Institute of International Relations. In 1951 he became a senior scientific associate of the Institute of Eastern Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He was awarded the Badge of Honor and various medals.
Musul’manskoe sektantstvo. Moscow, 1957.“Obrazovanie arabskogo gosudarstva i vozniknovenie islama ....” In Doklady sovetskoi delegatsii na XXIII Mezhdunarodnom kongrese vostokovedov. Moscow, 1954.
Araby, islam i arabskii khalifat v rannee srednevekov’e. Moscow, 1965. (In English: London and New York, 1969.)
“Spisok osnovnykh opublikovannykh rabot.” Narody Azii i Afriki, 1965, no. 1.