

, epibole (ē-pib'ŏ-lē), 1. A process involved in gastrulation of telolecithal eggs in which, as a result of differential growth, some of the cells of the protoderm move over the surface toward the lips of the blastopore. 2. Growth of epithelium in an organ culture to surround the underlying mesenchymal tissue. [G. epibolē, a throwing or laying on]


, epibole (ē-pib'ŏ-lē) 1. A process involved in gastrulation of telolecithal eggs in which, as a result of differential growth, some cells of the protoderm move over the surface toward the lips of the blastopore. 2. Growth of epithelium in an organ culture to surround the underlying mesenchymal tissue. [G. epibolē, a throwing or laying on]


, epiboly (e-pib'o-le) [Gr. epibole, cover] Inclusion of the hypoblast within the epiblast due to swifter growth of the latter. See: embole


, epibole (ē-pib'ŏ-lē) Growth of epithelium in an organ culture to surround the underlying mesenchymal tissue. [G. epibolē, a throwing or laying on]