释义 |
Charpentier (French ʃarpɑ̃tje) n1. (Biography) Gustave (ɡystav). 1860–1956, French composer, whose best-known work is the opera Louise (1900)2. (Biography) Marc-Antoine. ?1645–1704, French composer, best known for his sacred music, particularly the Te DeumChar•pen•tier (ʃar pɑ̃ˈtyeɪ) n. 1. Gustave, 1860–1956, French composer. 2. Marc Antoine, 1634–1704, French composer. Charpentier
Charpentier1. Gustave . 1860--1956, French composer, whose best-known work is the opera Louise (1900) 2. Marc-Antoine. ?1645--1704, French composer, best known for his sacred music, particularly the Te Deum |