

burned or reduced to charcoal; scorched; singed
Not to be confused with:chard – a variety of beet with leaves that are used as a vegetable

char 1

C0245900 (chär)v. charred, char·ring, chars To burn the surface of; scorch.2. To reduce to carbon or charcoal by incomplete combustion. See Synonyms at burn1.v.intr.1. To become scorched.2. To become reduced to carbon or charcoal.n. A substance that has been scorched, burned, or reduced to charcoal.
[Back-formation from charcoal.]

char 2

also charr C0245900 (chär)n. pl. char or chars also charr or charrs Any of several salmonid fishes of the genus Salvelinus, usually having a dark body with light spots, and including the arctic char, the brook trout, and the lake trout.
[Origin unknown.]

char 3

C0245900 (chär) Chiefly British n. A charwoman.intr.v. charred, char·ring, chars To work as a charwoman.
[Middle English, a piece of work, from Old English cierr, a turning.]


(tʃɑːd) adjburnt and blackened