Dengi I Kredit

Den’gi I Kredit


(Money and Credit), a scholarly and theoretical monthly journal, an organ of the Gosbank (State Bank) of the USSR. It was established in 1932 and until 1938 was called Kredit i khozraschet (Credit and the Profit-and-Loss System). It illuminates the history, theory, and practice of the development of money, money circulation, credit, and finance in the USSR; the experiences encountered in the course of the introduction of the recent economic reforms, the activities of Gosbank and savings banks; the development of money circulation and credit systems in other socialist countries; and money circulation, currencies, and banks in developing and capitalist countries. It has a bibliography section and interesting information about scientific research on practical questions of money, monetary circulation, and credit. It has a circulation of over 80,000 (as of the beginning of 1972).