birth palsy


 [pawl´ze] paralysis.Bell's palsy see bell's palsy.birth palsy birth paralysis.cerebral palsy see cerebral palsy.crossed leg palsy palsy of the fibular nerve, caused by sitting with one leg crossed over the other.Erb's palsy (Erb-Duchenne palsy) Erb-Duchenne paralysis.facial palsy Bell's palsy.shaking palsy Parkinson's disease.

birth pal·sy

motor and sensory deficits that result from nerve fiber injury associated with delivery; the brachial plexus is the region most commonly affected. Examples include Erb palsy and Klumpke palsy.

birth pal·sy

(bĭrth pawl'zē) Any motor abnormality in the infant caused by or attributed to the birthing process (e.g., includes obstetric paralysis, infantile hemiplegia).