Caldwell-Luc operation

Cald·well-Luc op·er·a·tion

(kawld'wĕl lūk), an intraoral procedure for opening into the maxillary antrum through the supradental (canine) fossa above the maxillary premolar teeth. Synonym(s): intraoral antrostomy, Luc operation

Caldwell-Luc operation

(kôld′wĕl′lük′, kŏld′-)n. An intraoral surgical opening into the maxillary antrum through the fossa above the maxillary premolar teeth.

Caldwell-Luc operation

Intraoral antrostomy ENT An operation intended to relieve chronic sinusitis by improving maxillary sinus drainage, creating an opening into the upper jaw above a 2nd molar; once drained, the neofistula is allowed to heal closed

Cald·well-Luc op·er·a·tion

(kawld'wel lūk op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) An intraoral procedure for opening into the maxillary antrum through the supradental (canine) fossa above the maxillary premolar teeth. Usually done to remove tooth roots or abnormal tissue from the sinus.
Synonym(s): Luc operation.

Caldwell-Luc operation

An operation to drain pus from the sinus in the upper jaw (the maxillary antrum) by making an opening though the bone high behind the upper lip. (George Walker Caldwell, 1834–1918, American ENT surgeon; and Henri Luc, 1855–1925, French ENT surgeon).


George W., U.S. physician, 1834-1918. Caldwell-Luc operation - an intraoral procedure for opening into the maxillary antrum through the supradental (canine) fossa above the maxillary premolar teeth. Synonym(s): intraoral antrostomy; Luc operation


Henri, French laryngologist, 1855-1925. Caldwell-Luc operation - see under Caldwell, George WLuc forcepsLuc operation - Synonym(s): Caldwell-Luc operationOgston-Luc operation - see under Ogston

Cald·well-Luc op·er·a·tion

(kawld'wel lūk op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) Intraoral procedure for opening into the maxillary antrum through the supradental (canine) fossa above the maxillary premolar teeth.