Chatfield State Park

Chatfield State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Colorado
Location:From Denver, south on Wadsworth Ave (CO 121), south past C-470, theneast into park at Deer Creek entrance; or south on Santa Fe to TitanPkwy, then west to Roxborough Park Rd and turn north to Plum Creekentrance.
Facilities:153 campsites with electrical hookups, showers, laundry, restrooms,group campgrounds, 139 picnic sites, group picnic area, snack bar,multi-use trails (18 miles), bridle trails (24 miles), stables/horserental, 3 boat ramps, marina, mooring/docking, boat rental, jet skirental, model airplane field, (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, water-skiing, sailboarding, jetskiing, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, iceskating, ice fishing, winter camping, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Located just outside the Denver metro area, Chatfield features rollingfoothills, an expansive reservoir, and abundant wildlife. In additionto the wide range of other activities available here, the park is oneof the most popular hot-air balloon launch areas on the Front Range.
Address:11500 N Roxborough Park Rd
Littleton, CO 80125

Size: 3,768 acres land; 1,550 acres water. Elevation: 5,430 feet.

See other parks in Colorado.