Chatkal Mountain and Forest Preserve

Chatkal Mountain and Forest Preserve


a nature preserve located in the western spurs of the Chatkal Range, 70 km from Tashkent. The preserve has two sectors, Bashkyzylsai and Maidantal, with a total area of 35,256 hectares (1976). It was established in 1947 to protect the natural complexes of the western Tien-Shan, which range from the steppes and the zone of tree and shrub vegetation (juniper stands with apple, hawthorne, pear, mountain ash, cherry, and other tree species) to alpine meadows. The preserve has gallery forests in which the predominant species are birch (in the Maidantal sector) and willow and poplar (in the Bashkyzylsai sector). Pistachio trees grow on the mountain slopes individually and in small stands.

Mammals commonly encountered include the Asiatic ibex (Capra sibirica), roe deer, wild boar, Marmota sibirica, a relict suslik, porcupine, Eurasian brown bear, wolf, fox, badger, stone marten, ermine, and weasel. Snow leopards are occasionally encountered. Common birds include the Himalayan snowcock, snow partridge, griffon vulture, black vulture (Aegypius monachus), bearded vulture, Egyptian vulture, and blue whistling-thrush.

Ancient cliff drawings depicting people and deer and other animals have been found along the banks of the Tereksai River.


Zapovedniki Sovetskogo Soiuza. [Moscow, 1969.]
Chatkal’skiigorno-lesnoi zapovednik: Fotoal’bom. Moscow, 1975.