Calgary Exhibition and Stampede

Calgary Exhibition and Stampede

JulyThe 10-day Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, originally called the Calgary Stampede, is Canada's largest rodeo event, similar to Cheyenne Frontier Days in the United States. The stampede offers a world-class rodeo competition in saddle bronc and bareback riding, steer wrestling, calf roping, and bull riding, as well as a chuck wagon race that carries a $175,000 prize. Most of the rodeo events are held in the 130-acre Stampede Park in downtown Calgary, but there's also a Wild West town called Weadickville (named for Guy Weadick from Cheyenne, Wyoming, who founded the event in 1912), an Indian Village populated by representatives of five Indian tribes from the nearby Plains, a Frontier Casino with blackjack tables and roulette wheels, and agricultural and livestock exhibits.
Calgary Stampede Ticket Office
P.O. Box 1060, Sta. M
Calgary, AL T2P 2K8 Canada
403-261-0101; fax: 403-265-7187
GdWrldFest-1985, p. 28