dense bodies

dense bodies

granules in the central granulomere of blood platelets that take up and store serotonin from plasma. Electron-dense bodies containing α-actinin in the cytoplasm of smooth muscle cells associated with the cell membrane are believed to be homologous to the Z-lines of striated muscle.

dense granule

A specialised spherical storage and secretory vesicle in platelets which contains ADP, ATP, ionised calcium, pyrophosphate and serotonin. Reduced-platelet dense-granule secretion is associated with marked protection against arterial thrombosis, inflammation, and neointimal hyperplasia after vascular injury in a mouse model.
Dense-core granules, see there.

dense bod·ies

(dens bŏd'ēz) 1. Granules in the central granulomere of blood platelets that take up and store serotonin from plasma. 2. Electron-dense bodies containing α-actinin in the cytoplasm of smooth muscle cells, believed to be homologous to the Z-lines of striated muscle.