Eikenella corrodens

Ei·ken·el·la cor·ro·dens

(ī'kĕ-nel'ă kōr-rō'denz), A species of nonmotile, rod-shaped, gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic bacteria that characteristically pits the agar under its colonies; it is part of the normal flora of the adult human oral cavity but may be an opportunistic pathogen, in pure or mixed culture especially in immunocompromised hosts. [M. Eiken, 1958]

Ei·ken·el·la cor·ro·dens

(ī-kĕ-nel'ă kō-rō'denz) A species of nonmotile, rod-shaped, gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic bacteria that is part of the normal flora of the adult human oral cavity but may be an opportunistic pathogen, especially in immunocompromised hosts; member of the HACEK group.

Eikenella corrodens

(ī″kĕn-ĕl′ă) A gram-negative bacillus that is part of normal oral flora. It can cause serious human infections, including abscesses, empyema, and endocarditis, among others.

Ei·ken·el·la cor·ro·dens

(ī-kĕ-nel'ă kō-rō'denz) A species of nonmotile, rod-shaped, gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic bacteria; part of normal flora of adult human oral cavity but may be an opportunistic pathogen, in immunocompromised people.