Acronym | Definition |
EIL➣École d'Ingénieurs du Littoral (French: Coastal Engineering School) |
EIL➣Extended Interval Logic |
EIL➣Enum Inclusion List |
EIL➣Engineers India Limited |
EIL➣Experiment in International Living |
EIL➣Environmental Impairment Liability |
EIL➣Electro Impulse Laboratory, Inc. (Neptune, NJ) |
EIL➣Exide Industries Ltd |
EIL➣Enterprise Integration Lab (University of Alabama) |
EIL➣Ensemble Instrumental des Landes (French: Instrumental Ensemble of the Landes; Landes, France) |
EIL➣Efficacité Indépendance Laïcité (French trade union federation) |
EIL➣Exception Item List |
EIL➣Employee Information Line (various companies) |
EIL➣Evolutionary Informatics Lab (Baylor University) |
EIL➣English as a International Language (supplanting ESL and EFL) |
EIL➣Equipment Inventory List |
EIL➣Electron Injector Laser |
EIL➣Environmental Information Logistics LLC (various locations) |