Einarson gallocyanin-chrome alum stain

Ei·nar·son gal·lo·cy·a·nin-chrome al·um stain

(ī'nar-sŏn), a method for staining both RNA and DNA a deep blue; with proper controls, nucleic acid content of stained cells and nuclei may be estimated by cytophotometry; also useful with Nissl substance.

Ei·nar·son gal·lo·cy·a·nin-chrome al·um stain

(īn'ăr-sŏn gal'o-sī'ă-nin-krōm al'ŭm stān) A method for staining both RNA and DNA a deep blue; with proper controls, nucleic acid content of stained cells and nuclei may be estimated by cytophotometry; also useful for Nissl substance.