Einaudi, Luigi

Einaudi, Luigi

(lwē`jē ānou`dē), 1874–1961, president of Italy (1948–55). A noted economist, a senator for life from 1919, and an opponent of Fascism after 1924, Einaudi taught at the Univ. of Turin until 1943, when he fled to Switzerland. After his return he was governor of the Bank of Italy (1945–48) and vice premier and minister of the budget under Alcide De GasperiDe Gasperi, Alcide
, 1881–1954, Italian premier and a founder of the Christian Democratic party. Born in the Trentino—then under Austria—he represented Italian irredentists in the Austrian parliament and after the transfer of the Trentino to Italy at the end of
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 (1947). His drastic measures helped to curb inflation. In 1948 he was elected president under the new constitution. He was succeeded (1955) by Giovanni GronchiGronchi, Giovanni
, 1887–1978, Italian political leader. He entered parliament in 1919 as a member of the new Popular party. When Benito Mussolini seized power in 1922 and formed a coalition ministry, Gronchi became undersecretary for industry and commerce.
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Einaudi, Luigi


Born Mar. 24, 1874, in Carrù, near Cuneo; died Oct. 30, 1961, in Rome. Italian political and state figure; prominent economist.

Einaudi graduated from the University of Turin. He published a number of economics journals and taught at the universities of Milan and Turin. Between 1943 and 1945 he lived as an exile in Switzerland.

From 1945 to 1948, Einaudi was governor of the Bank of Italy. He became a member of the Consulta Nazionale (National Council) in 1945 and was elected to the Constituent Assembly as a Liberal in 1946. Einaudi served as vice-premier and minister of the budget in 1947 and 1948. He was the president of the republic from 1948 to 1955, when he was appointed a life member of the Senate.

An author of works on economics and finance, Einaudi was a member or honorary member of many academies and scholarly organizations, both in Italy and abroad.