Acronym | Definition |
EMRI➣Emergency Management and Research Institute (India) |
EMRI➣Ecosystem Management Research Institute (Seeley Lake, MT, USA) |
EMRI➣Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals |
EMRI➣Emerging Markets Risk Indicator |
EMRI➣Emergency Medicine Risk Initiative |
EMRI➣Extended Masculine Role Inventory |
EMRI➣Electronic Medical Records Interchange |
EMRI➣Eastern Mojave Resource Inventory |
EMRI➣Electronic and Marine Research Industries (Denmark) |
EMRI➣Error Management Risk Index (Bergendahl Institute, LLC) |
EMRI➣Elevator Machine Room Intercom |
EMRI➣electron magnetic resonance imaging |
EMRI➣Eastern Massachusetts - Rhode Island |
EMRI➣Energy Music Radio International |
EMRI➣Electrical Motor Repair Institute (Arnhem, Netherlands) |