Chaussier's areola


 [ah-re´o-lah] (pl. are´olae) (L.) 1. a narrow zone surrounding a central area, e.g., the darkened area surrounding the nipple of the mammary gland.2. any minute space or interstice in a tissue.Chaussier's areola the indurated area encircling a malignant pustule.


(a-re'o-la) plural.areolae, areolas [L. areola, a small space] 1. A small space or cavity in a tissue.2. A circular area of different pigmentation, as around a wheal, around the nipple of the breast, or the part of the iris around the pupil. areolar (-lar), adjective

Chaussier's areola

See: Chaussier's areola

areola mammae

The pigmented area surrounding the nipple. Synonym: areola papillaris

areola papillaris

Areola mammae.

second areola

A pigmented area surrounding the areola mammae during pregnancy.

areola umbilicalis

A pigmented area surrounding the umbilicus.