Findley State Park

Findley State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Ohio
Location:30 miles north of Mansfield, in the northeast corner of the state.
Facilities:272 campsites (without electricity), 2 camper cabins, group camp, showers, flush toilets, picnic areas, picnic shelter, hiking trails (10 miles), swimming beach, food concession, boat ramps, boat rentals, game courts, nature programs, playground.
Activities:Camping, boating (electric motors only), fishing, swimming, hiking, waterfowl hunting, cross-country skiing, ice skating, ice fishing.
Special Features:Park was once a state forest and is heavily wooded. One area of the park is set aside as a sanctuary for the Duke's skipper butterfly, an extremely rare insect.
Address:25381 State Rt 58
Wellington, OH 44090

Size: 838 acres land; 93 acres water.

See other parks in Ohio.