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epidermodysplasia epidermodysplasia [ep″ĭ-der″mo-dis-pla´zhah] faulty development of the epidermis.epidermodysplasia verrucifor´mis the widespread and persistent (sometimes lasting decades) dissemination of verruca plana associated with a tendency to malignant degeneration. It typically begins in early childhood with the development of flat-topped papules that increase in number and coalesce to form large plaques, especially on the knees, elbows, and trunk. Familial occurrence and mental retardation are often associated with the disorder.ep·i·der·mo·dys·pla·si·a (ep'i-dĕr'mō-dis-plā'zē-ă), Faulty growth or development of the epidermis. [epidermis + G. dys-, bad, + plasis, a molding] ep·i·der·mo·dys·pla·si·a (ep'i-dĕr'mō-dis-plā'zē-ă) Faulty growth or development of the epidermis. [epidermis + G. dys-, bad, + plasis, a molding] |