bitewing radiograph

bite·wing ra·di·o·graph

intraoral dental film adapted to show the coronal portion and cervical third of the root of the teeth in near occlusion; especially useful in detecting interproximal caries and determining alveolar septal height.

bite·wing ra·di·o·graph

(bīt'wing rā'dē-ō-graf) Intraoral dental film adapted to show the coronal portion and cervical third of the root of the teeth in near occlusion; especially useful in detecting interproximal caries and determining alveolar septal height.

bitewing radiograph

A radiograph that shows the crowns and cervical third of the roots of the maxillary and mandibular teeth. Bitewing radiographs are usually taken on premolar and molar teeth. Synonym: interproximal radiographSee also: radiograph

bite·wing ra·di·o·graph

(bīt'wing rā'dē-ō-graf) Intraoral dental film adapted to show coronal portion and cervical third of root of teeth in near occlusion; useful in detecting interproximal caries and determining alveolar septal height.