Acronym | Definition |
CHB➣Camp Half-Blood |
CHB➣Chong Hing Bank (est. 1948; Hong Kong) |
CHB➣Chronic Hepatitis B |
CHB➣Children's Hospital Boston (Boston, MA) |
CHB➣Check and Branch |
CHB➣Bachelor of Surgery |
CHB➣Champion Enterprises Inc. (stock symbol) |
CHB➣Child Benefit |
CHB➣Complete Heart Block |
CHB➣Collegium Hungaricum Berlin (Hungarian cultural institute; Berlin, Germany) |
CHB➣Customs House Broker |
CHB➣congenital heart block |
CHB➣Cold Hard Bitch |
CHB➣Cerexhe-Heuseux-Beaufays (Belgian highway project) |
CHB➣Computers in Human Behavior (journal) |
CHB➣Central Hawkes Bay (agricultural region in the North Island of New Zealand) |
CHB➣Certified Hotel Broker |
CHB➣Cargo Handling Battalion |
CHB➣Curly-Haired Boyfriend (nickname for Boston Globe sports columnist Dan Shaughnessy) |
CHB➣Clear Hold Build |
CHB➣Christopher Hamilton Brashier (Lawrenceville, NJ investment group) |
CHB➣Centre Hépato-Biliaire (French: Hepatobiliary Center) |
CHB➣Concrete Hollow Blocks (construction) |
CHB➣Centre Hospitalier de Blois (French: Blois Hospital Center; Blois, France) |
CHB➣Combined Hormone Blockade (prostate cancer) |
CHB➣Certified Head Bustas (gang) |
CHB➣Cornell Hurd Band |
CHB➣Container Handling Building (US government) |
CHB➣Club Hippique des Bruyères (French: Bruyeres Equestrian Club; Bruyeres, France) |
CHB➣Centre Hospitalier de Beauvais (French: Beauvais Hospital Center; Beauvais, France) |
CHB➣Club Hippique de Bourbon (French equestrian club) |
CHB➣Centre Hospitalier de Béziers (French: Béziers Hospital Center; Béziers, France) |
CHB➣Church House Bookshop (UK) |
CHB➣Can't Hold Back |
CHB➣Curly-Haired Bastard |
CHB➣Chapel Hill Brokers |
CHB➣Center Halfback (soccer) |
CHB➣Centre Hospitalier de Bhannès (B'hannes Medical Center, Lebanon) |
CHB➣Check Hook Boxing (forum) |
CHB➣Cardiovascular Health Branch (US CDC) |
CHB➣Community Hospital Bed |
CHB➣Chung Hwa Boatworks (Taiwan) |
CHB➣Cock's Head Brand (Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad) |
CHB➣Camphill Boys Grammar School (UK) |
CHB➣Centre Hospitalier Bourg-en-Bresse (French: Bourg-en-Bresse Hospital Center; Bourg-en-Bresse, France) |
CHB➣Centre Hospitalier de Bourges (French: Bourges Hospital Center; Bourges, France) |
CHB➣Centre Henri Bénard (French: Henri Bénard Center; European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) |