

单词 eip
释义 DictionarySeepause



(1) (Enterprise Information Portal) See corporate portal.

(2) (Ethereum Improvement Proposal) The primary mechanism for proposing new features to the Ethereum smart contracts system. Draft EIPs are open for consideration, while an Accepted EIP is ready for inclusion. A Deferred EIP may be considered for adoption later. A Final EIP has been adopted. See Ethereum.

(3) (Extended Instruction Pointer) The program counter on x86 CPUs.



Abbreviation for:
early intervention program
early intervention in psychosis, see there 
extensor indicis proprius
electrical impedance plethysmography
Emerging Infections Program
esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis
extrinsic incubation period


(poz) [L. pausa fr Gr. pausis, a stop, halt.] An interruption; a temporary cessation of activity.

compensatory pause

The long interval following a premature ventricular contraction, so called because it does not disturb the normal sinus pacing of the heart.

end-inspiratory pause

Abbreviation: EIP
The brief, normal period of breath-holding between inhalation and exhalation.

noncompensatory pause

The interval on the electrocardiogram that follows a premature atrial contraction (PAC). Because PACs reset the sinus pacemaker, the next sinus beat does not appear when it would have if there had been no extra beat.

sinus pause

An interruption in the normal pacemaking function of the sinus (sinoatrial) node of the heart, resulting in a decrease in the number of heartbeats per minute. When sinus pauses are rare, the condition may be asymptomatic. When they occur frequently, patients may note palpitations or experience loss of consciousness.

end-inspiratory pause

Abbreviation: EIP
The brief, normal period of breath-holding between inhalation and exhalation.See also: pause


(pleth?iz-mog'ra-fe) [Gr. plethysmos, an increase, multiplication + -graphy] The use of or an examination with a plethysmograph to record the changes in volume of an organ or extremity.

air displacement plethysmography

A technique for measuring body composition (body volume and percentage of body fat) that relies on the relative volume and pressure of gas displaced by the body when it is placed inside a plethysmograph.

electrical impedance plethysmography

Abbreviation: EIP
Impedance cardiography.


EIPAssociation mondiale pour l'Ecole Instrument de Paix (French: World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace)
EIPExtensible Interface Platform
EIPEuropean Innovation Partnership
EIPEmerging Infections Program (CDC)
EIPElastic IP (Internet Protocol)
EIPEnterprise Information Portal (Sybase)
EIPEnfants Intellectuellement Précoces (French: Intellectually Precocious Children)
EIPEarly Intervention Programme (various locations)
EIPExecutive Incentive Plan (various businesses)
EIPEnterprise Intelligence Platform
EIPExtended Instruction Pointer
EIPExecution Interface Program
EIPEthernet Interface Processor
EIPExtra Information Picture
EIPElectronic Invoice Presentment
EIPEnterprise Information Portal
EIPEducational Incentive Program (New York State funded scholarship program for child day care workers.)
EIPEnterprise Integration Pattern
EIPExtended Internet Protocol
EIPEnvironmental Improvement Program (various organizations)
EIPEcole Instrument de Paix (French)
EIPEnvironmental Integrity Project
EIPEthnic Integration Policy (Singapore)
EIPEngineering Internship Program (various schools)
EIPAssociation Mondiale pour l'École Instrument de Paix
EIPEmployee Involvement and Participation
EIPEntreprise Innovante des Pôles (French: Innovative Business Cluster)
EIPEmployee Incentive Plans (Austin, TX)
EIPEducation Improvement Plan (various locations)
EIPEntité d'Intérêt Public (French: Public Interest Entity)
EIPEnquiry in Public (UK)
EIPEducation Improvement Partnership (UK)
EIPEarly Intervention Project
EIPEnvironmental Improvement Plan
EIPEgypt Information Portal (est. 2003; Cairo, Egypt)
EIPElectronic Information Product
EIPEnterprise Intelligence Platform (software)
EIPEconomic Incentive Program
EIPExtensor Indicis Proprius
EIPEthernet Interface Processor (Cisco)
EIPÉcole Implant Paro de Paris (French dental school)
EIPEssential Information Protection (Websense, Inc.)
EIPEngineered Industrial Products (Cerritos, CA)
EIPEnterprise Infrastructure Partners (Massachusetts)
EIPEthylene Interpolymer
EIPExperiment Implementation Plan
EIPElectronic Invoicing and Payment
EIPEngineered Infection Prevention
EIPExtra Improved Plow Steel (wire rope)
EIPEmergency Information Panel
EIPEnterprise Integration Portal
EIPEagleton Institute of Politics (New Brunswick, NJ)
EIPEurocopter International Pacific
EIPEngineering Installation Plan
EIPEmployee Involvement Program
EIPEngineering Installation Package
EIPEmployer Incentive Program (West Virginia)
EIPEnhanced Instruction Pointer
EIPELINT Improvement Program
EIPExtensor Indicis Propius
EIPEquipment Inoperative for Parts
EIPElement Integration Panel
EIPEducational Internship Performance
EIPEconomic Inventory Procedures
EIPEngineering Implementation Plan
EIPEnterprise Information Processing
EIPEmitter Identification Program
EIPEvil Internet People
EIPElectronic Installation Plan
EIPEngineering Information Program (CRSI)
EIPEvolutionary Implementation Plan
EIPExecutive Interface Program
EIPExcess Inventory Program
EIPExchange Information with the Public
EIPEngineering and Installation Package
EIPEmployee Interaction Platform
EIPEquipment Interface Panel
EIPEquipment Installation Phase
EIPEnvironmental Integrity Program
EIPEntry Interface Point (space travel)




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