corkscrew esophagus

A neurogenic disorder characterised by periodically spaced, high-amplitude spastic peristaltic contractions of the lower oesophagus that occur spontaneously or are evoked by swallowing or gastric acid reflux
Pathogenesis Due to increased responsiveness to neurotransmitters or hormones
Management Antispasmodics, avoidance of cold fluids, dilation, myotomy

corkscrew esophagus

The radiocontrast image of an esophagus with periodically spaced, high-amplitude spastic peristaltic contractions of the lower esophagus, due to ↑ responsiveness to neurotransmitters or hormones Clinical 'Corkscrew esophagus triad': retrosternal pain, ↑ intraluminal pressure, uncoordinated muscle contractions, and dysphagia and weight loss; it may be asymptomatic; in the lower esophagus, the contractions may ↑ intraluminal pressure, producing transient pseudodiverticuli