CORLCorel Corporation (stock symbol)
CORLCoalition of Reef Lovers
CORLcapital outlay revenue limit
CORLchange-orientated reflective listening (psychotherapy)
CORLCentral Ontario Ringette League
CORLCock-of-the-Rock Lodge (Peru)
CORLCommittee on Residential Lending
CORLComparative Ophthalmic Research Laboratories
CORLComparative Orthopedic Research Laboratory
CORLCanadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy Program
CORLCanadian Operating Room Leaders
CORLCanadian Online Racing League
CORLConsolidated Observation Requirements List (NOAA)
CORLChief Of Receive Location (now CORE)
CORLCoalition for Responsible Logging
CORLCouncil of Regional Librarians (Canada)
CORLChattooine Outer Rim Lookouts
CORLCommunications and Optical Research Laboratory (Agilent)
CORLChief Officers of Recreation and Leisure (UK)
CORLCorporate Options Review Limited
CORLCommittee on Research Libraries
CORLCommittee of Religious Leaders (of New York)
CORLCertificate in Outdoor Recreation Leadership (New Zealand)