Acronym | Definition |
CORL➣Corel Corporation (stock symbol) |
CORL➣Coalition of Reef Lovers |
CORL➣capital outlay revenue limit |
CORL➣change-orientated reflective listening (psychotherapy) |
CORL➣Central Ontario Ringette League |
CORL➣Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge (Peru) |
CORL➣Committee on Residential Lending |
CORL➣Comparative Ophthalmic Research Laboratories |
CORL➣Comparative Orthopedic Research Laboratory |
CORL➣Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy Program |
CORL➣Canadian Operating Room Leaders |
CORL➣Canadian Online Racing League |
CORL➣Consolidated Observation Requirements List (NOAA) |
CORL➣Chief Of Receive Location (now CORE) |
CORL➣Coalition for Responsible Logging |
CORL➣Council of Regional Librarians (Canada) |
CORL➣Chattooine Outer Rim Lookouts |
CORL➣Communications and Optical Research Laboratory (Agilent) |
CORL➣Chief Officers of Recreation and Leisure (UK) |
CORL➣Corporate Options Review Limited |
CORL➣Committee on Research Libraries |
CORL➣Committee of Religious Leaders (of New York) |
CORL➣Certificate in Outdoor Recreation Leadership (New Zealand) |