dental crest


 [krest] a projection, or projecting structure or ridge, especially one surmounting a bone or its border.alveolar crest ridge" >alveolar ridge.ampullar crest (ampullary crest) the most prominent part of a localized thickening of the membrane that lines the ampullae of the ducts" >semicircular ducts, covered with neuroepithelium containing endings of the vestibular crest the maxillary ridge passing along the alveolar processes of the fetal maxillary bones.iliac crest the thickened, expanded upper border of the ilium.

den·tal crest

the maxillary ridge on the alveolar processes of the maxillary bones in the fetus. Synonym(s): crista dentalis

den·tal crest

(dentăl krest) Maxillary ridge on alveolar processes of maxillary bones in the fetus.
Synonym(s): crista dentalis.