释义 |
cyano- or cyan-pref.1. Blue: cyanotype.2. a. Cyanogen: cyanic.b. Cyanide: cyanogenesis. [Greek kuano-, from kuanos, dark blue.]cyano- or before a vowel cyan-combining form1. blue or dark blue: cyanotype. 2. (Chemistry) indicating cyanogen: cyanohydrin. 3. (Chemistry) indicating cyanide[from Greek kuanos (adj) dark blue, (n) dark blue enamel, lapis lazuli]cy•a•no (ˈsaɪ əˌnoʊ, saɪˈæn oʊ) adj. containing cyanogen. [1960–65; independent use of cyano-2] cyano-1 , a combining form meaning “blue, dark blue”: cyanobacteria. [comb. form of Greek kýanos dark blue enamel, azurite < an uncertain source, akin to Hittite kuwanna azurite] cyano-3 , a combining form used in the names of chemical compounds in which cyanogen is present: cyanohydrin. Also, esp. before a vowel, cyan-. [comb. form representing cyanogen] cyano-
cyano-[′sī·ə·nō] (chemistry) Combining form indicating the radical CN. cyano-
cyano- , cyan- (sī-an'-ō, sī-an'), 1. Combining form meaning blue. 2. Chemical prefix frequently used in naming compounds that contain the cyanide group, CN. [G. kyanos, a dark blue substance] cyano- , cyan-1. Combining forms meaning blue. 2. Chemical prefixes frequently used in naming compounds that contain the cyanide group, CN. [G. kyanos, a dark blue substance]cyano-, cyan- [Gr. kyanos, cyanus; dark blue substance] Prefixes meaning blue. |