Eisenmenger syndrome

Ei·sen·men·ger syn·drome

(ī'zĕn-men-gĕr), cardiac failure with significant right-to-left shunt producing cyanosis due to higher pressure on the right side of the shunt. Usually due to the Eisenmenger complex, a ventricular septal defect with right ventricular hypertrophy and dilatation, severe pulmonary hypertension, and frequent straddling of the defect by a misplaced aortic root.

Ei·sen·men·ger syn·drome

(ī'zĕn-meng'ĕr sin'drōm) Cardiac failure with significant right-to-left shunt producing cyanosis due to higher pressure on the right side of the shunt.

Eisenmenger syndrome

A congenital heart anomaly featuring a ‘hole in the heart’ (septal defect) or an unclosed DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS associated with serious changes in the lung blood vessels causing increased resistance to the passage of blood. Early surgical treatment of heart holes or patent ductus arteriosus may prevent the secondary lung changes from developing. (Victor Eisenmenger, 1864–1932, German physician).


Victor, German physician, 1864-1932. Eisenmenger complex - the combination of ventricular septal defect with pulmonary hypertension and consequent right-to-left shunt through the defect, with or without an associated overriding aorta. Synonym(s): Eisenmenger defect; Eisenmenger disease; Eisenmenger tetralogyEisenmenger defect - Synonym(s): Eisenmenger complexEisenmenger disease - Synonym(s): Eisenmenger complexEisenmenger syndrome - cardiac failure usually due to the Eisenmenger complex, a ventricular septal defect.Eisenmenger tetralogy - Synonym(s): Eisenmenger complex