epidermolysis bullosa simplex

ep·i·der·mol·y·sis bul·lo·sa sim·plex

[MIM*131900] epidermolysis bullosa in which lesions heal rapidly without scarring; bulla formation is intraepidermal and microscopy reveals basal cell vacuolation and dissolution of tonofibrils; occurs most frequently on the feet of adults after unaccustomed trauma such as long marches; autosomal dominant inheritance caused by mutation in the keratin-5 gene (KRT5) on chromosome 12q or in the keratin-14 gene (KRT14) on 17q. Synonym(s): epidermolysis bullosa, epidermal type

ep·i·der·mol·y·sis bul·lo·sa sim·plex

(epi-dĕr-moli-sis bu-lōsă simpleks) [MIM*131900] Disorder in which lesions heal rapidly without scarring; bulla formation is intraepidermal and microscopy reveals basal cell vacuolation and dissolution of tonofibrils.