

单词 check out

check out


C0263700 (chĕk)n.1. a. The act or an instance of inspecting or testing something, as for accuracy or quality: gave the paper a final check.b. A standard for inspecting or evaluating; a test: The condition of the wiring can serve as a check for the level of the seller's home maintenance.c. A check mark.2. a. A ticket or slip of identification: a baggage check.b. A bill at a restaurant or bar.c. A chip or counter used in gambling.3. a. Something that stops or slows down motion, action, or expression; a restraint: Heavy rains were a check on the army's advance.b. The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint: kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays.c. A stopping or slowing down of something: "The medicines ... gave a check to the disorder that was destroying him" (Richard Henry Dana).d. Sports The act of blocking or impeding an opponent with the puck in ice hockey, either with one's body or one's stick.4. A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit; a draft.5. a. A pattern of small squares, as on a chessboard.b. One of the squares of such a pattern.c. A fabric patterned with squares: a dress of pale green check.6. Games a. A move in chess that directly attacks an opponent's king but does not constitute a checkmate.b. The position or condition of a king so attacked.7. A small crack; a chink.interj.1. Games Used to declare that a chess opponent's king is in check.2. Informal Used to express agreement or understanding.v. checked, check·ing, checks v.tr.1. a. To inspect so as to determine accuracy, quality, or other condition; test: checked the brakes for wear; checked the paper for misspellings.b. To verify by consulting a source or authority: checked her facts before speaking; check a spelling in the dictionary.c. To put a check mark on or next to: checked off each item on the list.2. a. To arrest or slow the motion or progress of: checked the flow by shutting a valve.b. To hold in restraint; curb: check an impulse to laugh. See Synonyms at restrain.c. Baseball To stop (the swing of the bat) in an attempt to avoid swinging at a pitch that is out of the strike zone: The batter checked his swing, and the pitch was called a ball.d. Sports To block or impede (an opposing player with the ball or puck), as in ice hockey, by using one's body or one's stick.3. To deposit or consign for safekeeping or shipment: checked his coat at the door; checked my bags and boarded the plane.4. Games To move in chess so as to put (an opponent's king) under direct attack.5. To make cracks or chinks in: Sunlight dried and checked the paint.v.intr.1. a. To make an examination or investigation; inquire: phoned to check on the departure time; checked into the rumor.b. To be verified or confirmed; pass inspection: The suspect's story checked out.c. To agree point for point; correspond: The fingerprints checked with the ones on file.2. a. Sports To block or impede an opposing player with the ball or puck, as in ice hockey.b. To come to an abrupt halt; stop: The soldiers rushed into the room but checked when they saw their commander.3. To write a check on a bank account.4. To undergo cracking in a pattern of checks, as paint does.5. Games a. To place a chess opponent's king in check.b. In certain card games, to announce that one is declining the option of making a bet.6. a. To pause to relocate a scent. Used of hunting dogs.b. To abandon the proper game and follow baser prey. Used of trained falcons.Phrasal Verbs: check in To register, as at a hotel. check out1. To settle one's bill and leave a hotel or other place of lodging.2. To withdraw (an item) after recording the withdrawal: check out books.3. To record and total up the prices of and receive payment for (items being purchased) at a retail store: The cashier checked out and bagged my order.4. Slang To die. check over To look over; examine: The teacher checked the students' papers over.
[Middle English chek, check in chess, from Old French eschec, from Arabic šāh, from Persian, king, check; see shah.]
check′a·ble adj.Word History: The words check, chess, and shah are all related. Shah, as one might think, is a borrowing into English of the Persian title for the monarch of that country. The Persian word shāh was also a term used in chess, a game played in Persia long before it was introduced to Europe. One said shāh as a warning when the opponent's king was under attack. The Persian word in this sense, after passing through Arabic, probably Old Spanish, and then Old French, came into Middle English as chek about seven hundred years ago. Chess itself comes from a plural form of the Old French word that gave us the word check. Checkmate, the next stage after check, goes back to the Arabic phrase shāh māt, meaning "the king is dead." Through a complex development having to do with senses that evolved from the notion of checking the king, check came to mean something used to ensure accuracy or authenticity. One such means was a counterfoil, a part of a check, for example, retained by the issuer as documentation of a transaction. Check first meant "counterfoil" and then came to mean anything, such as a bill or bank draft, with a counterfoil—or eventually even without one.

check out

vb (adverb) 1. (intr) to pay the bill and depart, esp from a hotel2. (intr) to depart from a place; record one's departure from work3. to investigate or prove to be in order after investigation: the police checked out all the statements; their credentials checked out. 4. (tr) informal to have a look at; inspect: check out the wally in the pink shirt. n 5. a. the latest time for vacating a room in a hotel, etc b. (as modifier): checkout time. 6. a counter, esp in a supermarket, where customers pay

check out

to finish
Verb1.check out - examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"check, check into, check over, check up on, suss out, look into, go overanalyse, analyze, examine, study, canvass, canvas - consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives"check off, tick off, mark off, tick, check, mark - put a check mark on or near or next to; "Please check each name on the list"; "tick off the items"; "mark off the units"keep an eye on, watch over, watch, observe, follow - follow with the eyes or the mind; "Keep an eye on the baby, please!"; "The world is watching Sarajevo"; "She followed the men with the binoculars"
2.check out - announce one's departure from a hotelreport - announce one's presence; "I report to work every day at 9 o'clock"check in, sign in - announce one's arrival, e.g. at hotels or airports
3.check out - be verified or confirmed; pass inspection; "These stories don't check!"checkcorrespond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check - be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
4.check out - trace; "We are running down a few tips"run downact on, follow up on, pursue - carry further or advance; "Can you act on this matter soon?"
5.check out - record, add up, and receive payment for items purchased; "She was checking out the apples that the customer had put on the conveyer belt"
6.check out - withdraw money by writing a checkchequedraw off, take out, withdraw, draw - remove (a commodity) from (a supply source); "She drew $2,000 from the account"; "The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank"
7.check out - try to learn someone's opinions and intentions; "I have to sound out the new professor"feel out, sound outquery, question - pose a question


noun1. Something that limits or restricts:circumscription, constraint, cramp, curb, inhibition, limit, limitation, restraint, restriction, stricture, trammel.2. The act of stopping:cessation, cut-off, discontinuance, discontinuation, halt, stay, stop, stoppage, surcease.3. The act of examining carefully:checkup, examination, inspection, perusal, scrutiny, study, view.Informal: going-over.4. A precise list of fees or charges:account, bill, invoice, reckoning, statement.Informal: tab.verb1. To prevent the occurrence or continuation of a movement, action, or operation:arrest, belay, cease, discontinue, halt, stall, stay, stop, surcease.Idioms: bring to a standstill, call a halt to, put a stop to.2. To come to a cessation:arrest, belay, cease, discontinue, halt, leave off, quit, stall, stop, surcease.Idiom: come to a halt.3. To control, restrict, or arrest:bit, brake, bridle, constrain, curb, hold, hold back, hold down, hold in, inhibit, keep, keep back, pull in, rein (back, in, or up), restrain.4. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose:baffle, balk, checkmate, defeat, foil, frustrate, stymie, thwart.Informal: cross, stump.Idiom: cut the ground from under.5. To subject to a procedure that ascertains effectiveness, value, proper function, or other quality:assay, essay, examine, prove, test, try, try out.Idioms: bring to the test, make trial of, put to the proof.6. To subject to a test of knowledge or skill:examine, quiz, test.7. To look at carefully or critically.Also used with out:con, examine, go over, inspect, peruse, scrutinize, study, survey, traverse, view.Informal: case.Idiom: give a going-over.8. To be compatible or in correspondence:accord, agree, chime, comport with, conform, consist, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, square, tally.Informal: jibe.Archaic: quadrate.phrasal verb
check inTo come to a particular place:arrive, get in, pull in, reach, show up, turn up.Slang: blow in.Idiom: make an appearance.phrasal verb
check outSlang. To cease living:decease, demise, depart, die, drop, expire, go, pass away, pass (on), perish, succumb.Informal: pop off.Slang: croak, kick in, kick off.Idioms: bite the dust, breathe one's last, cash in, give up the ghost, go to one's grave, kick the bucket, meet one's end, pass on to the Great Beyond, turn up one's toes.


(tʃek) verb1. to see if something (eg a sum) is correct or accurate. Will you check my addition? 檢查,核對 检查,核对 2. to see if something (eg a machine) is in good condition or working properly. Have you checked the engine (over)? 檢查 检查3. to hold back; to stop. We've checked the flow of water from the burst pipe. 制止 制止 noun1. an act of testing or checking. 檢驗,檢查 检查2. something which prevents or holds back. a check on imports. 制止 制止3. in chess, a position in which the king is attacked. He put his opponent's king in check. (棋戲中)被將一軍 (棋戏中)被将军的局面 4. a pattern of squares. I like the red check on that material. 方格紋 方格图案5. a ticket received in return for handing in baggage etc. 托運行李的收據 行李票6. (especially American) a bill. The check please, waiter! 帳單 帐单7. (American) a cheque. 支票 支票checked adjective having a pattern of check. She wore a checked skirt; Is the material checked or striped? 有格紋的 有格子花的ˈcheckbook noun (American) a chequebook. 支票簿 支票簿ˈcheck-in noun1. the place where passengers show travel documents at an airport or seaport. the check-in desk; (American) the check-in counter. (機場等)登記處 (机场等)登记处 2. the process of checking in at an airport etc. 登記,報到 登记,报到 ˈcheckmate noun in chess, a position from which the king cannot escape. (棋戲中)將死 (棋戏中)将死 verb to put (an opponent's king) in this position. 將死(對方王棋) 将死ˈcheckout noun a place where payment is made for goods bought in a supermarket. 付款櫃台 付款处ˈcheckpoint noun a barrier where cars, passports etc are inspected, or a point that contestants in a race must pass. (過路車輛,海關等)檢查站 (过路车辆)检查站 ˈcheck-up noun a medical examination to discover the state of a person's health. my annual check-up. 健康檢查 体格检查check in to register at a hotel as a guest or at an airport as a passenger. We checked in last night. 登記 登记check out1. to leave (a hotel), paying one's bill etc. You must check out before 12 o'clock. 結帳後離開 付帐后离开2. (especially American) to test. I'll check out your story. (美國)驗證 检验check up (on) to investigate to see if (someone or something) is reliable, honest, true etc. Have you been checking up on me? 調查 检查

check out


check out

check out

1. verb To confirm that one has vacated one's hotel room (and pay the bill). We have to check out in an hour, so you guys seriously need to start packing!2. verb To investigate, inspect, or look at something of interest. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is commonly used between "check" and "out." We checked out that house on the corner, but the price was too high considering all the work it needs. Wow, check this out—someone in the next town over won the lottery last week! Check out George over there. That dude knows how to dress!3. verb To be verified as true, accurate, or meeting a certain standard. Surprisingly, her story checks out—she really was at the library until midnight last night.4. verb To become unfocused or distracted; to cease participating in a meaningful way. Well, he's still blabbing away, but I couldn't tell you what he's talking about now—I checked out a while ago. I know Jim is retiring at the end of June, but he's already checked out if you ask me.5. verb To complete a purchase by providing payment at the final point of sale, as in a retail store. I'm checking out right now, so I'll be out to the car in a minute. I'm about to check out—is there anything else you needed from the store?6. verb To tally one's purchases and take payment for them. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is commonly used between "check" and "out." The cashier is checking me out right now, so I'll be out to the car in a minute. Please check out these customers while I see if we have any more of those items in the back.7. verb To complete the necessary steps so that one can borrow something from a system, such as a library. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is commonly used between "check" and "out." What books did you check out from the library this week? Can I check these books out, or are they reference only?8. verb, slang To look with interest at someone who one finds attractive. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is commonly used between "check" and "out." That cute guy over there is totally checking you out!9. verb, slang To die. Doctor, I'm not ready to check out yet, so I'm willing to try your most aggressive approach.10. noun The time at which one must vacate one's hotel room. When used as a noun, the phrase is often written as one word. Checkout is at 11 AM, so you guys need to start packing now!11. noun The area of a store at which purchases are made. When used as a noun, the phrase is often written as one word. I'm at the checkout right now, so I hope there isn't anything else you need from the store.See also: check, out

check someone or something out (of something)

to do the paperwork necessary to remove someone or something from something or some place. I will have the manager check you out of the hotel and send you the bill. The librarian checked out the computer to me.See also: check, out

check someone or something out

to evaluate someone or something. That stock sounds good. I'll check it out. I'll check out the competition.See also: check, out

check something out

to examine or try something; to think about something. It's something we all have to be concerned with. Check it out. Check out the new comedy show on tonight.See also: check, out

check out (of something)

 and check out (from something)to do whatever is necessary to leave a place and then depart, (check out (of something) is more frequent.) I will check out of the hotel at about noon. I will check out from the office and come right to where you are.See also: check, out

check out

[for someone or something] to prove to be correctly represented. Everything you told me checks out with what other witnesses said.See also: check, out

check out

1. Record one's departure from a hotel by paying the bill, or from a conference or other function, as in As soon as my bags are packed I'll check out of the motel. [Early 1900s] 2. Leave hurriedly, make a quick exit, as in The minute I get paid I'm checking out. [Slang; 1920s] 3. Die, as in When he got cholera, he was sure he'd check out. [Slang; 1920s] 4. Withdraw an item after recording the withdrawal, as in I'll check out the tapes on your library card. [1930s] 5. Record, total the prices, and receive payment for a purchase, as in The cashier checked out and bagged my groceries in record time. 6. check something or someone out . Investigate or evaluate something or someone; observe carefully. For example, I don't know if you'll like the film; check it out yourself, or That man who's staring is probably just checking us out. [Slang; mid-1900s] 7. Pass close inspection, as in That rattle made me suspicious, but the repairman said the machine checked out completely. See also: check, out

check out

v.1. To inspect something so as to determine accuracy, quality, or other condition; test something: The technician checked out the computer system to make sure there were no errors in the software. I heard a strange noise, so I went downstairs to check it out.2. To be verified or confirmed; pass inspection: Although we doubted it at first, the suspect's story checked out.3. To look at someone or something that is surprising, interesting, or attractive: If you liked that movie, you should check out the director's other films. Check out the size of that diamond! I became jealous when I saw my spouse checking the lifeguard out.4. To settle one's bill and leave a hotel or other place of lodging: The hotel requires that guests check out by noon so that the rooms can be cleaned before the next guests arrive.5. To record and sum the prices of and receive payment for something being purchased or the items someone is purchasing at a retail store: The cashier checked out and bagged my order. We brought our items to the counter, and the sales clerk checked us out.6. To undergo the process of purchasing some selected item or items from a retailer: It took us an hour to check out because there was only one register.7. To borrow some item, as from a library, with the lender registering or keeping track of the borrowing: I checked out all four volumes, but could only read the first before they were due. If you don't finish that book before the library closes, you will have to check it out. I went to the video store and checked out two movies.8. To lose awareness of one's surroundings; become inattentive: I got bored at the meeting and checked out until someone punched me on the arm.9. Slang To die: When I check out, I want to be buried in a fancy coffin.See also: check, out

check something out

tv. to examine something; to think about something. It’s something we all have to be concerned with. Check it out. See also: check, out, something

check out, to

To die. This slangy phrase transfers other kinds of departure to leaving this life, as in “He’s had several heart attacks and could check out any day.” It dates from the 1920s. To check something/someone out, on the other hand, meaning to investigate something or someone, as in “Let’s check out this new restaurant,” dates from the 1940s.See also: check

check out

Related to check out: check something out
  • verb

Synonyms for check out

verb examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition


  • check
  • check into
  • check over
  • check up on
  • suss out
  • look into
  • go over

Related Words

  • analyse
  • analyze
  • examine
  • study
  • canvass
  • canvas
  • check off
  • tick off
  • mark off
  • tick
  • check
  • mark
  • keep an eye on
  • watch over
  • watch
  • observe
  • follow

verb announce one's departure from a hotel

Related Words

  • report


  • check in
  • sign in

verb be verified or confirmed


  • check

Related Words

  • correspond
  • gibe
  • jibe
  • match
  • tally
  • agree
  • fit
  • check

verb trace


  • run down

Related Words

  • act on
  • follow up on
  • pursue

verb withdraw money by writing a check


  • cheque

Related Words

  • draw off
  • take out
  • withdraw
  • draw

verb try to learn someone's opinions and intentions


  • feel out
  • sound out

Related Words

  • query
  • question




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