dentate nucleus of cerebellum

den·tate nu·cle·us of cer·e·bel·lum

the most lateral and largest of the cerebellar nuclei; it receives the axons of Purkinje cells from the lateral area of the cerebellar cortex (so-called neocerebellum) and input via collaterals of cerebellar afferent fibers en route to the overlying cerebellar cortex; together with the more medially located globosus and emboliform nuclei, it is the major source of fibers composing the massive superior cerebellar peduncle or brachium conjunctivum. Synonym(s): nucleus dentatus [TA], nucleus lateralis cerebelli ☆ , corpus dentatum, dentatum

den·tate nu·cle·us of cer·e·bel·lum

(den'tāt nū'klē-ŭs ser'ĕ-bel'ŭm) The most lateral and largest of the cerebellar nuclei; it receives the axons of the Purkinje cells of the neocerebellum (lateral areas of cerebellar cortex); together with the more medially located globosus and emboliform nuclei it is the major source of fibers composing the massive superior cerebellar peduncle or brachium conjunctivum.
Synonym(s): nucleus dentatus [TA] .