

单词 fragmentation



F0291700 (frăg′mən-tā′shən, -mĕn-)n.1. The act or process of breaking into fragments.2. The scattering of the fragments of an exploding bomb or other projectile.3. Computers The scattering of parts of a file or files throughout a storage device, as when the operating system breaks up the file and fits it into the spaces left vacant by previously deleted files.


(ˌfræɡmɛnˈteɪʃən) n1. the act of fragmenting or the state of being fragmented2. (Sociology) the disintegration of norms regulating behaviour, thought, and social relationships3. (Military) the steel particles of an exploded projectile4. (Military) (modifier) of or relating to a weapon designed to explode into many small pieces, esp as an antipersonnel weapon: a fragmentation bomb.


(ˌfræg mənˈteɪ ʃən)

n. 1. the act or process of fragmenting or the state of being fragmented. adj. 2. of or designating an explosive device designed to scatter small metal fragments on detonation: a fragmentation grenade. [1880–85]
Noun1.fragmentation - separating something into fine particlesatomisation, atomizationdivision - the act or process of dividing
2.fragmentation - the disintegration of social norms governing behavior and thought and social relationshipsdisintegration, decomposition - in a decomposed state
3.fragmentation - (computer science) the condition of a file that is broken up and stored in many different locations on a magnetic disk; "fragmentation slows system performance because it takes extra time to locate and assemble the parts of the fragmented file"computer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structuresstorage - (computer science) the process of storing information in a computer memory or on a magnetic tape or disk
4.fragmentation - the scattering of bomb fragments after the bomb explodesblowup, detonation, explosion - a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction



[‚frag·mən′tā·shən] (computer science) The tendency of files in disk storage to be divided up into many small areas scattered around the disk. (cell and molecular biology) Amitotic division; a type of asexual reproduction. (mining engineering) The blasting of coal, ore, or rock into pieces small enough to load, handle, and transport without the need for hand-breaking or secondary blasting. (psychology) Disordered behavior and mental processes.




(2)The process, or result, of splitting a large area of freememory (on disk or in main memory) into smaller non-contiguousblocks. This happens after many blocks have been allocatedand freed. For example, if there is 3 kilobytes of free spaceand two 1k blocks are allocated and then the first one (at thelowest address) is freed, then there will be 2k of free spacesplit between the two 1k blocks. The maximum size block thatcould then be allocated would be 1k, even though there was 2kfree. The solution is to "compact" the free space by movingthe allocated blocks to one end (and thus the free space tothe other).

As modern file systems are used and files are deleted andcreated, the total free space becomes split into smallernon-contiguous blocks (composed of "clusters" or "sectors"or some other unit of allocation). Eventually new files beingcreated, and old files being extended, cannot be stored eachin a single contiguous block but become scattered across thefile system. This degrades performance as multiple seekoperations are required to access a single fragmented file.

Defragmenting consolidates each existing file and the freespace into a continuous group of sectors. Access speed willbe improved due to reduced seeking.

The rate of fragmentation depends on the algorithm used toallocate space and the number and position of free sectors. Anearly-full file system will fragment more quickly.

MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows use the simplest algorithm toallocate free clusters and so fragmentation occurs quickly. Adisk should be defragmented before fragmentation reaches 10%.

See garbage collection.


(1) See Android fragmentation.

(2) Storing data in non-contiguous areas on disk. As files are updated, new data are stored in available free space, which may not be contiguous. Fragmented files cause extra head movement, slowing disk accesses. A defragger program is used to rewrite and reorder all the files.

(3) In an IP network, breaking a data packet into smaller pieces in order to accommodate the maximum transmission unit of the network. See IP fragmentation.



 [frag″men-ta´shun] division into small pieces.


(frag'men-tā'shŭn), The breaking of an entity into smaller parts. Synonym(s): spallation (1)


Sleep disorders The interruption of any stage of sleep due to appearance of another stage or waking, leading to disrupted NREMS-REMS cycles; SF usually refers to an interruption of REMS by movement arousals or stage 2 activity; SF connotes repetitive interruptions of sleep by arousals and awakenings


(frag'men-tā'shŭn) The breaking of an entity into smaller parts.
Synonym(s): spallation (1) .


a type of ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION found in some lower plants (such as Spirogyra or CYANOBACTERIA) where there is separation of the threadlike FILAMENTS (2), each segment of which is capable of growing into a mature organism. Fragmentation is caused by such mechanical forces as wind, wave action, rain, etc.

Patient discussion about fragmentation

Q. what is fragments of endocervical glandular mucosa with inflammation and squamous metaplasia fragments of endocervical glandular mucosaA. It means that part of the mucose on the cervix area has changes from a certain kind of mucose cells to another, and that there is a bit of an inflammation around it. This should be brought to the knowledge of a gynecologist and be monitored by him/her.

More discussions about fragmentation



1. A means of production in which different parts of the supply chain are located in different countries. Fragmentation occurs to reduce costs of production. For example, the least expensive materials may be in India and the cheapest factory workers in China, while the target retail customer is in the United States or Canada. Fragmentation can occur most easily when there is free trade, or at least low tariffs between all the countries on the supply chain. See also: Globalization.

2. A situation in a decentralized market. This often renders investors unaware of the best price available for their trades, resulting in inefficiency in the market. Fragmentation has become less of a problem with the advent of electronic exchanges and other, similar products.


The lack of full interconnection of the various securities markets. Fragmentation can result in customer orders being sent to markets that do not offer the best available price. Critics claim the inefficiencies of fragmentation can be cured with a central order book that includes orders from all markets.


  • noun

Synonyms for fragmentation

noun separating something into fine particles


  • atomisation
  • atomization

Related Words

  • division

noun the disintegration of social norms governing behavior and thought and social relationships

Related Words

  • disintegration
  • decomposition

noun (computer science) the condition of a file that is broken up and stored in many different locations on a magnetic disk

Related Words

  • computer science
  • computing
  • storage

noun the scattering of bomb fragments after the bomb explodes

Related Words

  • blowup
  • detonation
  • explosion




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