Corner-Allen unit

Cor·ner-Al·len u·nit

(kōr'nĕr al'ĕn), a unit of progestational activity, measured in rabbits; the minimum dose that, divided into five equal daily portions, produces on the sixth day the uterine changes characteristic of the eighth day of normal pregnancy; the unit has about the same potency as the international unit.

Corner-Allen unit

An obsolete semi-quantitative bioassay unit corresponding to the amount of progesterone required to produce characteristic pregnancy-like microscopic changes in the endometria of female rabbits.


George W., U.S. anatomist, 1889-1981. Corner-Allen test - a test for progestational activity.Corner-Allen unit - a unit of progestational activity, measured in rabbits.


Willard Myron, U.S. gynecologist, 1904–. Allen fetal stethoscopeAllen-Masters syndrome - pelvic pain resulting from old lacerations of the broad ligament during delivery.Allen uterine forcepsCorner-Allen test - see under Corner, George WCorner-Allen unit - see under Corner, George W